DiligenceHub Home Page Features

DiligenceHub's home landing page is the gateway to diligence activities, tools and resources.

The DiligenceHub home page has six primary elements:

Screen Shot 2022-02-08 at 11.22.54 AM DiligenceHub application menu bar down the left hand side - use this to navigate to the various tools and applications within DiligenceHub such as DiligenceExpress, Diligence Analytics or your Portfolio Coverage.
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User Account details and controls dropdown menu at the top right -change your password, submit diligence requests or questions, request tech support and set notification preferences as needed.
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Help Center channel down the left side of the home page - providing access to a variety of helpful resources and commentaries.
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DiligenceHub Activity Feeds in the middle channel of the page - to view diligence activities within your portfolio along with newsletters and commentaries on special industry topics.
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Activity Filter tool in the right channel of the page - to quickly access the specific diligence activities you're looking for.
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Current OpsReview Coverage - View our list of current OpsReview engagements.
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Live Chat feature at the bottom right of the page - to connect with our Client Support team at any time to order diligence, request help or set up a demonstration of Castle Hall services and DiligenceHub capabilities.

We hope the DiligenceHub Help Center will provide quick answers to your questions as you as you begin to use the app. Please browse the articles at your convenience - and, of course, feel free to send a support ticket or live chat with our team if you have questions at any time.