What are the benefits of a Free Transparency Report?

The Industry Utility for Due Diligence - Save time and money by reviewing a standardized and independently verified diligence data pack

Castle Hall believes that due diligence is long overdue for a fintech makeover. 

Every investor has higher value questions, specific to their organization, which influence their investment decision. But core diligence questions - the manager / GPs corporate structure, systems used, the compliance officer’s bio - are the same for all allocators. Multiple investors asking for the same information, but in slightly different ways, simply adds expense and delays the investment process for all sides. 

DXC enables managers and investors to use the same data framework to share core reference data, needed as the “first 50%” of every due diligence review, in a standard format. 

DiligenceExchange Transparency Reports provide consistent due diligence – curated and independently verified by Castle Hall - free of charge to investors. 

DiligenceExchange Premium members access our full database of more than 2,000 funds and unlock the data intelligence of our industry wide DiligenceExchange benchmarks. 

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