What are DiligenceExchange Benchmark Analytics?

Compare the distribution of analytical factors in your portfolio against Castle Hall's diligence coverage peer group for greater insights

Castle Hall's DiligenceHub platform helps clients turn diligence into data, and use analytics on data to drive new diligence actions.

Castle Hall is pleased to introduce DiligenceExchange Analytics – providing peer group comparisons which leverage the cumulative diligence footprint of Castle Hall and our 150 client portfolios.

In DiligenceHub, manager level analytics now generate DiligenceExchange peer group data exclusively for DiligenceExchange subscribers. 

Within a Fund record in DiligenceHub, any current data or diligence flag comment can be expanded to reveal a graphic listing the frequency of occurrence of the specific flagged factor across the managers and funds in your portfolio that are currently under coverage by Castle Hall.

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Learn more about Castle Halls 3 Steps to Effective Due Diligence.

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